With so many things to do and spectacular places to see, choosing how you travel around Karamoja is as important as choosing where you want to go. Your choice of transport will depend on how quickly you want to get from A to B.


Self-drive a rental car on one of the recommended trips, or hire a car with an experienced driver if you want to let someone else do the driving.

Public transport

Karamoja has also different possibilities of public transport. Take the daily daytime bus or nighttime coach driving from Kampala via Jinja, Mbale, Soroti, Iriri to Moroto and to Kotido. And mini taxi’s are available as well.

Air transport

For fast travel between Uganda’s National Parks, hop on a plane. Three times per week flights are available between domestic airports.

Tourist information

Before you set out on your Karamoja adventure, make sure you know what to expect. Driving in Karamoja may be different from what you’re used to, from rules and etiquette to road conditions. It is therefore recommended to seek local travel advice before you depart especially on road conditions.

Tour operators

Rental cars

Public transport

Air transport