
The grave of the mother of all Turkana people

Morua in Turkana language means ‘hill’, so Moruanayeche is the name of the distinct hill near the grave of Nayeche, the mother of all Turkana. A huge circle of stones and pebbles marks the site where all Turkana speaking communities even from neighbouring countries congregate for a three day festival to celebrate Nayeche. All visitors have to obey the traditional rules, hence a local guide is required.

No weapons or hats are allowed as people walk three times around the grave and throw a white stone each round into the circle before hands are ritually washed, water sprinkled into the rock circle and blessings are asked for. After walking around the grave three times, hands are washed, water is sprinkled on the grave and blessings are asked for.

Where to find Morunayeche

When driving on a gravel road from Lokiriama towards Kakuma, Loima Hills are your constant travel companion to the east. After about half the distance to Kakuma you have the chance to visit another site of superior traditional importance: Moruanayeche, the site where Nayeche, the mother of all Turkana is believed to have been buried.

  • Birdwatching
  • Cultural Encounters
  • Hiking